Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Preparing for Print Sales


It is the holiday bazaar season and I thought I would take up an offer form a client to sell some prints and cards at her holiday shop. Perhaps you are getting ready for a sale yourself. There is more than meets the eye in getting ready (beyond all the details that go into preparing your artwork – printing, signing, mounting, framing, etc.)

Here are a few questions you might want to ask the shop owner before you show up with the prints.

  1. What is your commission rate?  Typically 30-50% depending on the venue (bazaar to fine art gallery).
  2. Do you have a way to display matted prints, cards, etc or do I need to provide that? You may need to provide bins, racks, etc.
  3. Do you advertise?  This may determine whether the venue is a good use of your time and effort. You may also want to do some advertising yourself – maybe a postcard mailing to your contact list.
  4. What is the price range of products or art that typically sell in your shop or bazaar? Not a good idea to put $300+ prints where most buyers are only spending  less than $200.
  5. When do you need my artwork delivered? Day before, week before, etc
  6. Do you have room to stock any inventory? You may need to hold prints and be ready to restock if sales are good.
  7. To what level of detail do you track what sells? A shop owner may only know that you sold 20 cards or 5 prints, but not which prints or cards.  You should have a detailed inventory so you know what is selling (market research).
  8. Do you need an inventory list? They might require this given you are leaving valuable goods in their hands. You may want one so there is not disagreement or mistakes later on the payment you should receive.

This is just a short list of items that you need to address , but not an exhaustive one.

If you live in the area and are interested in one of my prints you will be able to find them every weekend until Christmas (Dec 19th) at Willakenzie Lavender Farm in Yamhill, Oregon. For a map – click here.

Blog image: This is a multiple exposure (9 exp) image of leaves blended with one single exposure image of the leaves. Using a brush and mask layer in Photoshop I brought out the one single leaf.