So far I have shared short blog entries on my various shoots the past weeks. I stated that the purpose of my blog was to hopefully help others pursing photography in a more serious fashion. By "serious", I mean making an income. This is a tough time to be doing this, but
pursue it I will. In line with this, I have spent the last 8 weeks taking a course through with Jim
Zuckerman focused on "How to Make Money with your Photography". One key thing is becoming apparent, we are talking about a multi-stream income approach to making a living. I know from interactions with other photographers like Tony Sweet, that generating multiple avenues of income is a way of life. This can include stock agency work, art fair sales, teaching, self publication sales, gallery sales, product
sponsorship, etc. It appears finding the ones that work best for you as an individual photographer are the way to go.
In the near term I expect to focus on the calendar market (Jan to May is the season for
submittals) and then the stock agency market (not the
DJI or NASDAQ;-). I'll let you all know how that goes in the coming months.